Board of Directors
Integrity is at the heart of how we operate

Queen Victoria Childcare Centre is a non-profit organization whose operations are managed by an Executive Director and overseen by a governing Board of Directors, that is elected by, and accountable to its parent membership.

Our Board of Directors is comprised of dedicated parents and community members who volunteer their time and expertise and have an interest in ensuring a high-quality childcare program for families in the Parkdale Community which the Centre serves. The Board of Directors works closely with our Executive Director and oversees all aspects of our operations.

At Queen Victoria Childcare Centre, the Board of Directors, the Executive Director and the staff all share a common purpose, which is the achievement of the Centre's mission. To successfully accomplish this objective, mutual respect and cooperation must exist between the board of directors, the Executive Director, and staff.

Each entity has different roles and responsibilities; the Board of Directors primary role is policy and governance while the staff operate within policy and focus on delivering the program services. The Executive Director is responsible for the day-to-day operations and acts as a liaison between the Board, parents, and staff.

All Queen Victoria Childcare Centre Board Members have the direct obligation and responsibility to report their own, or any other, real or apparent conflict of interest, to protect the integrity of the Board's decision making process and prevent the personal and/or financial interests of members of the board from interfering with the performance of the fiduciary duties to Queen Victoria Childcare Centre. Board members are required to perform their duties in good faith, in a manner they reasonably believe to be in the best interest of the Centre.

Our Board

Our board consists of a Chair, Vice-chair, Treasurer, Secretary and Members at Large

Volunteer for our Board

Why Volunteer? Volunteering for a non-profit board and bringing your knowledge, energy, and expertise to the table is something that can not only benefit Queen Victoria Childcare Centre, but you as well!

Being a board member provides you with the opportunity to be a representative of the diversity and social culture of your community. It is also an opportunity for you to serve in a leadership position, build your skillset and grow your networks.

Interested in becoming a Board Member, or learning more about our Board? Please complete the form below.

Board of Directors Application Form

What are you looking to get out of your experience on our board?
What skills/knowledge do you feel you can bring to the board?
Please outline any past experiences as a volunteer board member
Which board position would you be interested in?
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